Technology Presentation
Instruments to implement teleworking in a scientific journal editing projects
Instrumentos para implementar el teletrabajo en proyectos sobre edición de revistas científicas
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez1*
Gonzalo Rubio Mejías2
Gilberto Daniel del Castillo Saíz3
Mercedes Aluart Rodríguez4
Emelina Despaigne Carrión1
Clara Elena Peñalver Rodríguez1
1University of Medical Sciences of Havana. "Calixto García"
Medical Faculty."General Calixto García" University Hospital.
Havana, Cuba.
2Freelance Professor. Havana, Cuba.
3University of Medical Sciences of Havana. "Calixto García"
Medical Faculty. Havana, Cuba.
4Provincial Medical Sciences Information Center of Havana.
Havana, Cuba.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Introduction: There is no system of methodological instruments
useful for the control and operational management of immediate tasks aimed
at editing and publishing the scientific results of teleworkers.
Objective: To develop the general and preliminary structure of the
main instruments used in the management of teleworking in the institutions
subordinated to the Cuban Health System that ensure the edition of
scientific journals.
Methods: An inductive qualitative descriptive study was performed.
Teleworking was conceived at a small scale, using a pilot study carried out
at General Calixto García University Hospital in the period between
September 2019 and October 2023. Methodological triangulation was
applied. In the sampling strategy, those questions or doubts to be
explored were selected on the basis of the state of knowledge about
teleworking and the opinions given by expert teleworkers who participated
in the study.
Results and Comments: The teleworking reporting model is described,
along with the technical instructions for its implementation, the
questionnaire for interviews with decision-makers and experts in the public
health sector, and their responses on the subject.
Conclusions: The main basic instruments used in the management system for teleworking
presented here, provide a perception of management success by demonstrating
that teleworking or remote work can be more accessible for those who manage
the editing of scientific journals.
Keywords: organization and administration; public health; periodicals as topic; surveys and questionnaires; teleworking.
Introducción: No existe un sistema de instrumentos metodológicos que
permita gestionar y controlar de forma operativa, las tareas inmediatas
para editar y publicar resultados científicos a quienes teletrabajan.
Objetivo: Elaborar la estructura general y preliminar de los
instrumentos del sistema de gestión del trabajo a distancia, para
instituciones del sistema de salud cubano, que cuenten con edición de
revistas científicas.
Métodos: Investigación descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo e
inductivo. Se concibió la implementación del teletrabajo a pequeña escala,
mediante el pilotaje realizado en el Hospital Universitario "General
Calixto García", en el período de septiembre 2019 a octubre de 2023. Se
aplicó la triangulación metodológica. En la estrategia de muestreo, se
seleccionaron las interrogantes o dudas a explorar, basadas en el estado
del conocimiento analizado sobre teletrabajo, además de los participantes
expertos en teletrabajo.
Resultados y Comentarios: Se describe el modelo de reporte de
teletrabajo, junto con el instructivo técnico para su implementación, así
como el cuestionario para entrevistas a decisores y expertos del sector de
la salud pública y sus respuestas sobre la temática.
Conclusiones: Los instrumentos básicos, fundamentales del sistema de
gestión del teletrabajo, proporcionan percepción de éxito gerencial;
facilitan que el teletrabajo sea más accesible para quienes dirigen, en la
edición de revistas científicas.
Palabras clave: encuestas y cuestionarios; organización y administración; publicaciones periódicas como asunto; salud pública; teletrabajo.
Received: 05/12/2023
Approved: 21/02/2024
In the previous research conducted by these authors,(1) the need to carry out a methodological approach to the useful instruments needed for hospital management, which should be part of the projects in the management systems for teleworking or simply, remote work (TW-RW), as well as the technical and administrative requirements indispensable for its implementation, were introduced and resolved.
In the present study, the problematic situation is defined as the lack of a system of methodological instruments useful for hospital management that allow to manage and control, in an operational manner and with a sense of certainty, the immediate and long-term tasks aimed at editing and publishing the scientific results of teleworkers.
The way the design of instruments would facilitate the management of teleworking in order to achieve an effective performance of administrative and hospital management, especially in those services where human behavior enables a higher organizational culture has been identified. Additionally, the contributing factors are expected to be effective for the implementation of teleworking. The institutional context, which has currently been facing a lot of post-pandemic lacks and a diversity of assumptions and uncertainties, has demanded the use of different techniques for the collection and processing of information.
The objective of the present research study consists in developing the general and preliminary structure of the fundamental instruments necessary for the management of teleworking or remote work in those institutions subordinated to the Cuban Health System, which among other functions, include the publication of scientific journals.
An inductive qualitative descriptive research was conducted under the constructivist-interpretative paradigm. It provides continuity and forms part of the institutional research project approved in 2019 under the title: "Modeling of teleworking in the editorial management and teaching in the virtual environments of General Calixto García University Hospital.
It was conceived to explain - with the proper rationality - the implementation of teleworking at a small scale, or by using the pilot study carried out at General Calixto García University Hospital in the period between September 2019 and October 2023. The aforementioned actions made possible to unveil the contradictions that slow down the expansion of teleworking from homes or any other emerging working spaces, as well as the compilation of existing experiences about the different forms used for the implementation of management systems of teleworking in Cuba.
Theoretical context:Plenty of literature specialized on Teleworking or Telecommuting (working remotely, but sometimes connected to a shared workplace or office), or Remote Work (working outside a traditional on-site location that can be conducted anywhere with no need to be connected to an office), which are developed at a global level or according to the geographical area where it is developed, has been evaluated; also, the existing controversy regarding the kindness and deficiencies of such types of work has also been taken into consideration. Experience gained in the area related to the implementation of systems for the management of teleworking in Cuba were obtained. Moreover, lots of academic works carried out to complete final or Master´s degrees in this direction in the Latin American region were also analyzed; however, the level of legislation has been evaded due to the high level of specialization and distance of the desired objectives.
The practical instruments for its design should be part of the teleworking projects, which should also emerge as appropriate tools for the performance of project management groups for the development of editorial work, particularly, in every secondary or tertiary health care institution where it is required.
Rationality:Particular attention will be paid to the level of rationality, so the study has been restricted to the management activity of scientific journals in the hospital units under study, and as a pilot study carried out to draw inferences or generalizations about its implementation in other activities or hospital areas.
Methodological triangulation:The combination of the methodological design with the sampling and analysis of transliterated speeches has been conceived. Similarly, the triangulation of the different points of view obtained from the interviews performed has been carried out.
Sampling strategy: The participants and the doubts or questions that needed to be explored, which were based on the analysis of the state of knowledge about teleworking, were selected.
Expert sampling: Participants from other areas outside the study unit were involved in the sampling due to the lack of experience in relation to the implementation of this work modality in medical institutions, with the aim of organizing the necessary elements for the design of the questionnaire that will enable its implementation in the hospital in the future.
Target population: It was designed to study the opinions of those participants who were considered as experts and decision-makers for the implementation of teleworking in some important units of the biomedical sector.
To conduct the interviews, four experts or key informants from the biomedical sector were selected under the following inclusion criteria: working in this sector; having a solid academic or technical training; holding a Master's, Doctoral Degree; being professors and researchers with a vast teleworking experience, and /or with proving experience in the publishing sector . Various specialists from the sector were excluded, since they did not accept to be interviewed because of different reasons, mainly because they were found themselves in the midst of urgent tasks.
Subsequent to the interviews performed, the quantification of the frequency of contributing factors or those factors that slow down the implementation of teleworking was established, considering the future implementation of another similar online tool.
Criteria for the definition of the purpose of sampling: Temporary availability of up to 30 days and thematic saturation of the model responses were taken into account. The possibility to obtain more than three temporarily defined negative or evasive answers on the part of experts from top management centers from the unit under study was also considered. The variables included the identification of the contradictions that slow down the expansion of teleworking. They contrast different responses or points of view to all the questions under analysis, that is, the variables in favor or against the implementation of teleworking (details available as Complementary Files).
Characteristics of the researchers that participate in the present study:All the participants are highly qualified professionals: members of the current team who have interacted with the persons surveyed or have investigated and been actively involved in the production of knowledge about the teleworking modality. Part of this group of researchers have participated in the aforementioned pilot study since the isolation time imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and the main researcher has 10 years of teleworking experience.
Reflexivity: The personal attributes to address the points of view and content of these speeches, as well as the experience and good relationships among participants who must have the necessary skills to interview decision-makers for the implementation of teleworking, should influence on the results of the study.
Supposed risks:They are concentrated on the controversy and lack of knowledge about the topic besides the controversy in relation to the topic, which had been little applied in Cuba before the pandemic, as well as the need to postpone the interviews from decision-makers until the inability to carry them out. With the aim of minimizing the risks for carrying out the collection of responses, the interview was first applied using WhatsApp multiplatform messaging App. Subsequently, online surveys were developed in order to corroborate and quantify the priori analysis of the text in the near future.
Modifications in the procedures were made in response to the development of the research work. Triangulation and Rationality were the most useful techniques for the improvement of the reliability and analysis of data.
Empirical methods:Primary interview questionnaires for data collection were applied to potential teleworkers. Teaching and Research Department Meetings were held to give detailed information about the characteristics of the study and the need for their collaboration. The study was then approved by the above-mentioned Department, and that of the Scientific Council of the Hospital.
Theoretical methods such as: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, and inductive-deductive ones were also used for the analysis of the main definitions, according to the origin of the institutions and authors. The results of similar research works, such as that entitled: were also consulted.(13,14,15,16,17)
Processing of data: The processing methods used before the analysis included a questionnaire with closed and semi-open questions, as well as the results obtained from different international investigations on the topic, mainly those found in the Latin American region, so that they can be evaluated in the Cuban context.
Performed analyses
Integrity was verified after the collection of data and the transcript of answers, and the analysis of data was processed to make inferences. New topics like the necessary assurance for teleworking were suggested, and the variables towards the implementation of teleworking were identified in their vast majority.
Finally, it was determined that the auxiliary areas dedicated to the regulation and control should evaluate, adjust, and conclude the definitive design of the System Procedure Manual(18) according to the instruments designed and the best universal practices of corporate management, including the use of surveys and interviews.
Ethical aspects of human subjects:The reliability or anonymous character of the opinions expressed in the interviews was guaranteed. The Research Ethics Committee approved the documentation of the research project, which complied with all the basic ethical principles of scientific research: beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
The basic instruments for the implementation of Teleworking were created (detailed instruments are available as supplementary files to the article, under license Creative Commons ):
The different instruments evaluated can be used both inside and outside the public health sector or in work groups that carry out the functions linked to public information agencies in charge of the editing and publication of different kinds of information that mainly have a scientific and/or technological character.
Once such instruments were available to hospital management, the support given by the direction policy of each entity should be expected, so that they can be feasible and improved. A certain adequate perception of the practical and daily usefulness of teleworking should be attained, and the creation of higher ethical values should be provided, since they strengthen the organizational culture of the entity where it is implemented. If the institutional work or the work carried out by those entities belonging to the health system is organized without taking into account the potentialities of the modality "Organization of Teleworking", the low effectiveness and efficiency of the current organization, and even the current weaknesses with regard to the conciliation of work and family life would not be overcome.
During the pandemic period, low response to the instruments was given due to its complexity and poor understanding. In that stage, a pilot test was applied in a surprise move because of the isolation imposed by the sanitary authorities, and it was not possible to carry out a face-to-face training course for the explanation of its implementation.
The analysis of the compiled answers showed an almost unanimous consensus in favor of the implementation of teleworking. Only 3 of the 56 answers given by the three interviewed experts, offered little doubts about the feasibility of such modality with regard to questions 6, 8, and 10, for being expressed as negative answers.
After the analysis of a study carried out in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic,(19) the transfer of control mechanisms of many businesspeople towards the face-to-face environment was found to be an expression of reticence of losing the direct control of their employees, regardless of the working results. However, the three-quarters of the respondents expressed that they carried out their activities with no new tools for the control of their performance, and in connection with what was determined by the first question in the recent interviews in relation to the control of subordinates or collaborators.
Other research about teleworking conducted in a Colombian company,(20) highlights the possibility of improving the work environment and organizational values such as quality, professionalism, seriousness, and industriousness, among other values that certify the findings of a study about the impact of teleworking on productivity and work satisfaction. Its results confirm the advantage in the reduction of costs, and the possibility to have highly qualified remote talent from anywhere in the world to support the design and optimization of finished products, besides the increase of motivation and productivity.
Regarding this and other advantages such as the reduction of costs, similar responses were found, such as: "it means savings and optimization of all kinds of expenses"; "it is a more efficient management of human resources"; "concerning transportation problems, working from home represents a great advantage, but there are no differences in relation to the amount of work that has to be done".
On the other hand, regarding the selection of the most sacrificed persons when referring to face-to-face workers and teleworkers, where the multiple roles that teleworkers must fulfill during their working day were highlighted; that is, for example, the case of those mothers or caregivers who deal with the overloads that working within the home environment may involve. Other expenses, which include the payment of electricity and mobile internet connection, were also emphasized. The thesis published by the University of Montevideo, Uruguay, presents a similar problem when it points in its results to those who claim to spend more on electricity when teleworking, although they save in transportation expenses.(17)
The most obvious limitation of the current study is that it was limited only to the hospital work group in charge of editorial functions.
For this kind of initiative, the design and implementation of teleworking projects is suggested as a collective and collegial work; that is, the instruments and their implementation procedures are the responsibility of the specialists of auxiliary areas for regulation and control, with the protagonist implication of all the participants involved. Therefore, the remaining instruments designed for their interconnection with the system should be continued in a subsequent research report, since they can exist at present, but in an isolated manner.
The main basic instruments used in the management of teleworking shown here, provide a perception of management success by demonstrating that teleworking can be more accessible for the directors of institutions subordinated to the Cuban Health System, which among other functions, are in charge of editing scientific journals.
We would like express our thanks to the following colleagues for their important support as key informants in the interviews performed: PhD. Carlos Quevedo Fonseca, Vice Chancellor of the University of Medical Sciences of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR); MSc. Ricardo Ricardo Parellada. Director Computing at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB); BEd. Haydee Henry Santos, Director of the Provincial Medical Sciences Information Center of Havana; PhD. Lourdes Alpízar, Consultant Professor from the Institute of Endocrinology.
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Conflict of interests
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
Authors' contributions
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Gonzalo Rubio Mejías, Emelina Despaigne
Data curation:
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Gilberto Daniel del Castillo Saíz,
Emelina Despaigne Carrión.
Acquisition of financing: Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez.
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Gonzalo Rubio Mejías, Clara Elena
Peñalver Rodríguez, Mercedes Aluart Rodríguez.
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Gonzalo Rubio Mejías, Gilberto Daniel
del Castillo Saíz.
Project management: Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez.
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Gilberto Daniel del Castillo Saíz.
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Gilberto Daniel del Castillo Saíz.
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Clara Elena Peñalver Rodríguez.
Writing- initial draft:
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, , Gonzalo Rubio Mejías.
Writing-review and editing:
Isabel Damaris Castañeda Pérez, Mercedes Aluart Rodríguez.