About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar is a scientific-technical journal, published at Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, and Editorial Ciencias Médicas (Ecimed), sponsored by Dirección de Servicios Médicos de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba, which is aimed at professionals of military medicine and medical sciences in general.
Its mission is to publish peer-reviewed scientific articles on military medicine in particular and medical sciences in general; from training, assistance or health care, organization of services and medical assurance.
Peer Review Process
When authors submit an article to the journal, editors perform an initial review, taking into account the mission, policies of the journal, and compliance with the instructions to authors. If the article is accepted for review, it is assigned to an editor to follow up throughout the process. We have a deadline of 60 days for the review; During that time, an opinion must be issued on the article presented; however, taking into account that external peers reviewers carry out their work selflessly, this step is usually more flexible.
Authors can recommend up to 5 reviewers to carry out or participate in the article review process.
After being assigned to an editor, the manuscript is sent to two or more external reviewers, according to the type of article, the topic it addresses, and the reviewer recommendations by the authors.
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar adheres to the open peer review policy, with the agreement of reviewers, authors and editors. The review process can also be carried out blindly, single or double, as agreed with the authors or reviewers.
To facilitate the work of the reviewers, guidance guides (review guides) are used, relevant according to the section to which the article was submitted and which follow the principles of the EQUATOR network.
Reviewers have up to 21 days to complete their work; during this period, they must send the editor comments on the article submitted for their consideration. Once comments are received from reviewers, editors compile them, organize them, and analyze the recommendations.
With the result of the external review and the opinion of the Editorial Board, it is decided whether the article is Accepted for publication, Publishable with modifications (minimal or substantial), Reevaluable or Rejected. The decision of the Editorial Board is not appealable.
The decision of the Editorial Board, with the recommendations of the Editors and the external review, is sent to the authors, who respond to these recommendations. The responses are analyzed by the editors to determine if the necessary modifications to the article were made. Once the recommendations are satisfied, the Editorial Board decides on the publication of the article. If a new round of review is necessary, it can be done with the same or different reviewers.
When the article is accepted, it goes to the Editing process, in which the publication is prepared.
The reviewers are external to the journal, they are recommended by the authors or they are selected from experts in the field of knowledge that the article deals with, experts in research methodology, statistical processing or other aspects that require evaluation. The journal has a database of reviewers among registered users, which is systematically updated and allows the review work to be evaluated using a score. When necessary, other experts are identified, from their publications, or in reviewer databases, ORCID registries, and they are invited to perform reviews on articles in progress.The following diagram shows graphically the peer review process of Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar:
Publication Frequency
Revista Cubana de Medicina militar has a quarterly frequency, however, it publishes articles in the Continuous Publication modality.
Each year is a volume and each volume has 4 issues. The issue opens on the first day of the quarter (January 1, April, July and October) and closes on the 15th of the third month of the quarter (March 15, June, September and December).
The number may open before the scheduled date and there may be more than one number open. In each issue, the articles that are approved for publication in that quarter, and prepared in accordance with the formats published by the Journal are published. No less than 10 articles are published in each issue, with no maximum limit.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free and open access to research helps in a greater global exchange of knowledge.
We share the Budapest initiative for open access. Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar offers "its free availability on the public Internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or use them for any legal purpose, without any financial, legal or technical barriers, beyond those are inseparable from those of accessing the Internet itself. The only limitation in terms of reproduction and distribution and the only role of copyright in this domain should be to give authors control over the integrity of their works and the right to be properly recognized and cited." (http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/)
In accordance with this Open Access policy, in no step of the publication process, there are charges of any kind, by subscription, submission, processing, publication or reading of articles from our journal (Diamond Open Access).
Digital preservation policy
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar preserves digital copies of all its publications in the repository of the Revolutionary Armed Forces University of Medical Sciences. In addition, it is governed by the digital data preservation and computer security policy of the National Center for Medical Sciences Information (Infomed - https://www.sld.cu/) and the Ciencias Médicas Publishing House (http://ecimed.sld.cu/) that preserves digital copies of all the information in the journal.
Anti-plagiarism policy
The Cuban Journal of Military Medicine requests that authors submit articles to the journal to be original.
To make the anti-plagiarism control effective, the StrikePlagiarism system (https://strikeplagiarism.com/es/) is used, with which all articles submitted to us are controlled. This control is carried out as part of the article review process.
When a report is obtained with similarities to other published texts, according to the percentage of similarity and the analysis of the Editorial Board, the authors are informed by email in which the report is included, with the editor's recommendations. The author must offer the answers, so that the editors can determine whether plagiarism exists or not. When it is considered that there is, the article is rejected and does not go to the evaluation process.
If a conflict occurs due to plagiarism after publication of an article and the commission investigating the fact proves that it is founded, the text is retracted, which is indicated in the title of the retracted article, in all the sites where it appears.
Deposit policy in repositories
Authors may deposit versions of their articles in institutional repositories, preprint servers, or other repositories of their choice. The deposit may be made at any time, before, during or after beginning or concluding the editorial process, without an embargo period.
The versions of the article to be submitted will be those considered by the authors: version submitted to the journal, version accepted for publication or the published version.
In all cases, it will be done in accordance with the license to which our journal is subject (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
Policy on ethical violations in publication
The Cuban Journal of Military Medicine adheres to the principles and practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - https://publicationethics.org) in the following aspects:
Conflicts of authorship and contributions of authors
In the case of accusations of misconduct, conflicts of authorship, in the contributions of the authors, conflicts of interest and conflicts after publication; A committee composed of no less than 3 and up to 7 members of the Editorial Board and 1 representative of the Sponsor is appointed, which, within a period of up to 20 business days after learning of the conflict, issues a verdict and the implications, which is made known to those involved and to the affiliation authorities, when appropriate.
In the case of complaints and appeals to the editorial process, the Sponsor and the Publisher carry out the evaluation of the complaint and, if violations have occurred, indicate the corresponding administrative measures; otherwise, they communicate the decision and grounds to the complainant.
The other ethical aspects listed above are developed in each of the journal's policies and in the instructions to the authors.
About advertisements in the journal
On the main page of the journal, advertisements may be published, approved by the University and the Sponsor, mainly related to scientific activity, courses, workshops and events related to Military Medicine or Medical Sciences in Cuba.
Journal History
1959 - The first precedent of the Journal was the publication of the first issue of the "Medical Journal of the Rebel Army", published at the Military Hospital of the Rebel Army (today the “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” Central Military Hospital).
1964 - The edition of the Journal restarts, after having been interrupted, with the name "Journal of Medical Services", with a quarterly frequency and the purpose of raising the scientific improvement of military health personnel. Interesting cases, planning of scientific, research and clinical work were published. It is also established that “All doctors, dentists and qualified technicians of the armed forces Medical Services must consider it a responsibility and duty to express their work and studies through this Journal.”
1974 - After the publication had been stopped for 3 years, it restarted under the same name, with continuity of the editorial policy, but with a semiannual frequency.
1982 - It changed its name to "Journal of Military Medicine", it began to be published at the then Higher Institute of Military Medicine "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" and was printed at the Central Printing Office of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. It maintained the vision of contributing to the scientific development of Medical Services and disseminating the results of the work of its doctors and professionals.
1987 - The Journal obtained the ISSN for the printed version (0138-6557) and new publication standards were established, with the purpose of unifying the form of presentation of the works and facilitating the editorial work.
1989 - Adopts the current name, Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar (Cuban Journal of Military Medicine), certified by the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba. In that year it began to be published as part of the Cuban medical journals, by the Editorial Ciencias Médicas (Ecimed). Starting in 1994, the digitization process began, which has been consolidated since 2004. The ISSN was obtained for the online version and the presence on the Internet. All issues published since 1995 are available in digital format. The journal was indexed in Scopus in 1996 and in SciElo in 2022.
2010 - The Journal began to be edited at the Revolutionary Armed Forces University of Medical Sciences, a continuation institution of the Higher Institute of Military Medicine. The editorial process was carried out primarily in digital format, although the final proofs of the articles under review were printed.
2017 - The Journal's website was created on the Open Journal System platform and the entire editorial process was migrated to this work system. Since then, the national and international visibility of the publication has increased and it has taken an active part in the publication system of medical sciences in Cuba.