Dating violence in university students
violence, violence against women, dating violence, students, Peru.Abstract
Introduction: Seven out of ten Peruvian women between the ages of 15 and 49 reported that they were victims of intimate partner violence at some time. Studies on dating violence in Peru are scarce, and many do not include both sexes and the university population.Objective: To identify the frequency of the types of violence, as well as the behaviors reported during dating in university students.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 71 students from a university in Peru, using an instrument created by the Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations to measure the types of violence (physical, psychological, and sexual) and associated behaviors by partners.
Results: Of all participants, 85,5 % reported suffering from some type of violence. Also, 57,7 % reported psychological violence, while 7 % indicated to be a victim of physical, psychological, and sexual violence. Receiving words suggestive of sex from their partner was reported in 11,3 %. Among those who received simultaneous physical, psychological, and sexual violence, 80 % were women.
Conclusions: Students suffer some type of violence and half of them are psychologically abused. A higher frequency of violence is reported in female students. Effective mental health counseling is recommended to help relevant institutions to better address dating violence.
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