Perception of university students about distance higher education
distance education, university students, COVID-19, perception, Peru.Abstract
Introduction: In the transition from digital education to face-to-face education, there are changes in the teaching models implemented during COVID-19.
Objective: To examine the perception of university students, in terms of satisfaction and acceptance, about virtual classes.
Method: A cross-sectional study was made on 11 246 students from 17 university courses at Universidad Norbert Wiener at Lima (Peru). The 11-items UNW Employability Survey 2021 (EE-UNW21) administered through the student platform was used. The data were analyzed in SPSS v. 24.0; work, educational variables and students' perception of remote access to classes and exams were considered.
Results: Of the total od students, 72.4% consider returning to classes "very important" (41.0%), with dentistry (48.5%) and human nutrition (46.4%) students being the ones who attributed the greatest importance (p= 0.002). However, the students consider that returning to the classroom is important (72.4%), but also maintaining the benefits of virtuality (77.5%) (p= 0.057). 89.9%, 47.3%, and 71.2% perceived as "very important" the possibility of seeing recorded classes, the ease of accessing the class without having to go to campus, and the fact of being able to take exams that, with notes, readings and other study materials, respectively.
Conclusions: There is a perception of acceptance of virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic and the return of face-to-face classes.
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