Science-technology-society-innovation and impact of intellectual capital in the public health sector
science-technology-innovation, intellectual capital, health sector, development, economy.Abstract
A comprehensive analysis of the relationship science-technology-society-innovation and intellectual capital in the health sector is carried out, which expresses the position of the authors about this link. It is widely recognized that science and technology have a significant presence in contemporary society; innovations, scientific discoveries and technological advances are the architects that claim to improve the quality of life of man. Among the strengths in Cuba, the significant patrimony of technical scientific knowledge and technological innovations stands out, which has international recognition in the field of health; with a social impact that exceeds that of most developing countries and in some indicators is compared to developed countries. Scientific and technological knowledge, which promotes innovation, is one of the main assets of contemporary societies and an essential element to promote economic and social development. The management of science and innovation are key elements to unravel the direct connection between science and the economy; Cuba has achieved a dynamic development of its intellectual capital and products with adequate quality standards.Downloads
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