The scientific article format and scientific production in Peruvian medicine graduates
bibliometrics, academic thesis, bibliometric indicators.Abstract
Introduction: Scientific publication allows the growth of universities, however, in Latin America and Peru, the publication rate is very low, so alternatives must be developed to increase the scientific production.
Objective: To determine the relationship between the thesis publication format and scientific production in medicine graduates from Peruvian universities.
Methods: A quantitative, analytical, correlational, retrospective study was carried out. Peruvian medical students, graduates through traditional thesis or scientific article, were included, obtaining a sample of 344 graduates through systematic random probabilistic sampling. A search was carried out in the databases; a data sheet was collected and processed in SPSS version 27. Categorical variables were described by absolute and relative frequencies, continuous variables by means and standard deviation. Chi-square test was applied for categorical variables. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to compare two means. The results were significant with p< 0.05.
Results: Only 6,1% of the evaluated theses were published in an indexed journal. 74% of the universities maintain the traditional thesis format as the degree modality. 88,9% of the universities with scientific publications are private and are located in the capital of Peru. An association between the scientific article format and the scientific publication was found.
Conclusions: The implementation of the scientific article format is effective to increase scientific publication in Peruvian medicine graduates.
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