A comprehensive analysis of a patient with anterior interosseous nerve neuropathy



cervical spine, diagnostic imaging, electromyography, nerve compression syndromes, peripheral nerve injuries, physical therapy modalities.


Introduction: Isolated anterior interosseous nerve paralysis, initially characterized by Parsonage and Turner in 1948, evolved with Kiloh and Nevin's 1952 identification, leading to the term "Kiloh-Nevin syndrome." Recent cases prompted a comprehensive review, emphasizing accurate differentiation for tailored therapeutic guidance and improved patient outcomes, incorporating advanced imaging techniques like magnetic resonance imaging.
Objective: To present the clinical case of a patient with anterior interosseous nerve paralysis (Kiloh-Nevin syndrome).
Clinical case: A 44-year-old right-handed man, physically active, participates in functional training thrice weekly and amateur soccer. His perceived exertion ranges from "hard" to "very hard" on the Borg scale. He also works a sedentary office job. The patient suddenly exhibited an inability to flex his left thumb and perform an "OK" sign, with no identifiable preceding event.
Conclusion: The case of anterior interosseous nerve palsy in an active patient highlights the importance of recognizing peripheral nerve injuries in such individuals. Interactions between a sedentary job and physical activities suggest a multifactorial nature. Advanced diagnostic modalities aid in accurate diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Josivaldo De Souza Lima, Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales. Instituto del Deporte y Bienestar, Universidad Andres Bello. Las Condes, Santiago 7550000, Chile

Phd Student - Associate Profesor

Pedro Valdivia-Moral, Universidad de Granada


Sandra Mahecha-Matsudo, Universidad Mayor

Médica directora de carrera de postgrado en medicina deportiva

Victor Keihan Rodrigues Matsudo, Centro Estudos Laboratório Aptidão Física São Caetano Sul

Médico Traumatologo - Departamento de Aptidao Fisica

Mauro Rumbaut, Clinica Mano Hombro - Quito

Médico Traumatologo

Gerson Ferrari, Universidad Santiago de Chile

Profesor Titular - Departamento de Actividad Fisica y Salud

Frano Giakoni-Ramirez, Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales. Instituto del Deporte y Bienestar

Profesor Dr. Asociado


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How to Cite

Lima JDS, Valdivia-Moral P, Mahecha-Matsudo S, Rodrigues Matsudo VK, Rumbaut M, Ferrari G, et al. A comprehensive analysis of a patient with anterior interosseous nerve neuropathy. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];53(4):e024066721. Available from: https://revmedmilitar.sld.cu/index.php/mil/article/view/66721



Case Presentation