Alternative to orthodontic treatment of dental transposition



central diastema, dental aesthetics, dental transposition, oligodontics, orthodontics, orthodontic treatment


Introduction: Dental transposition is the change of position between 2 or more teeth in the dental arch and is an anomaly that is generally not treated, due to the complexity of relocating the affected tooth.

Objective: To show another alternative for the treatment of dental transposition, through the presentation of a clinical case.

Clinical case: A 10-year-old patient with a wide central diastema, caused by oligodontia of the lateral teeth. The treatment included an initial phase to close the central diastema with chain elastomers, which caused unwanted movements in the root, which forced the treatment to be reconsidered. Subsequently, 5 phases were carried out; the second one stood out: construction of a combined arch with an open spring, to relocate the 23 in transposition, in its position in the arch. After 2 and a half years, the spaces of the missing teeth were closed with the remaining ones. The creation of an arch that allowed repositioning tooth 23, in addition to the movements of said tooth, by vestibular means, is highlighted.

Conclusions: It was possible to achieve dental alignment, location of tooth 2.3 with its orthodontic transposition, which offers a different alternative to the problem treated.


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Author Biographies

Victor Manuel Arellano Cobian, Universidad de Medicina Oral de Coahuila, Escuela de Medicina Dental. México

Cirujano dentista. Director general de la Universidad de Medicina Oral de Coahuila, México

Victor Manuel Arellano King, Universidad de Medicina Oral de Coahuila, Escuela de Medicina Dental. Méxixo

Cirujano dentista. Director de la Escuela de Medicina dental de la Universidad de Medicina Oral de Coahuila, México

Ana Karen Arellano de la Torre, Escuela de Medicina dental de la Universidad de Medicina Oral de Coahuila, México

Médico Cirujano dentista. Jefa de Dpto de Ortodoncia de la Escuela de Medicina dental de la Universidad de Medicina Oral de Coahuila, México


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How to Cite

Arellano Cobian VM, Arellano King VM, Arellano de la Torre AK. Alternative to orthodontic treatment of dental transposition. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 11];54(1):e025067893. Available from:



Case Presentation