Acute abdomen due to duplicated and complicated gallbladder



gallbladder malformations, gallbladder gangrene, vesicular duplicity.


Introduction: Bile duct malformations are extremely rare, and generally do not present complications that justify urgent surgical intervention. When it occurs, the clinical picture is similar to that of a patient with a gallbladder without congenital malformations.
Objective: Describe a case of acute abdomen due to complicated gallbladder duplication.
Clinical case: 46-year-old patient with a history of dyspepsia, who came the emergency with acute abdominal pain. Gallbladder gangrene is diagnosed, and surgical treatment is decided. During surgery, a double vesicular system was found, one area ofnecrosis and the other with chronic inflammatory changes. Cholecystectomy is performed on both organs. The evolution was favorable.
Conclusions: The occurrence of an acute abdomen in a patient with gallbladder duplication is infrequent. The case is presented that contributes to deepen the knowledge about the course of action in this disease.


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How to Cite

Vives Balmaseda EJ, Ortega Abstengo EJ, Concepción López MA, Rodríguez Martínez OS, Rojas Sánchez JH, Urgellés Carreras SA. Acute abdomen due to duplicated and complicated gallbladder. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];51(1):e02201536. Available from:



Case Presentation