Validity and reliability of an academic procrastination scale in Cuban dental students
procrastination, dentistry, dental students, surveys and questionnaires.Abstract
Introduction: Academic procrastination can have a negative impact on student education and professional performance, hence the need for valid and reliable instruments for its study.Objective: To analyze the evidence of validity and reliability of an academic procrastination scale in Cuban dental students.
Methods: Instrumental, cross-sectional and multicenter study, which included students from seven Cuban universities. Using an instrument in Spanish validated in Peruvian students, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed, structural equation modeling was used, and internal consistency was calculated with Cronbach's α coefficient.
Results: 684 participants were included, of which 63.45 % were women and the mean age was 22.0 ± 1.71 years. From the initial scale of 12 items distributed in 2 factors, the factor analysis suggested eliminating item 5. The final model was made up of 11 items, 8 for factor 1 (Academic self-regulation) and 3 for factor 2 (Postponement of activities). A Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.786 (95 % CI = 0.75 - 0.81) was obtained, which indicates that the internal consistency of the instrument is good.
Conclusions: The academic procrastination scale (EPA-11-Odonto) has evidence of validity and adequate reliability to evaluate the construct in Cuban dental students.
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