Juan Nicolás Dávalos y Betancourt, eminent Cuban bacteriologist
Juan Nicolás Dávalos Betancourt, microbiology, science.Abstract
Among the leading figures of microbiology in Cuba, is Dr. Juan Nicolás Dávalos y Betancourt, known in his time as "the wise man who dreams of bacteria", who was the first Cuban doctor dedicated full-time to the practice of this science, specifically bacteriology. Despite this, his life and his work are not sufficiently disseminated, so this work aims to make his legacy known, in a historical, social and scientific context, so that it is known and valued by current and future generations. of Cuban microbiologists. A biographical investigation was carried out and graphic testimonies are added. Dr. Juan Nicolás Dávalos is outstanding, not only for microbiology, but also for science in Cuba.Downloads
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