Effectiveness of peridural and paravertebral ozone therapy in the treatment of lumbar discs herniations
intervertebral disc displacement, low back pain, ozone therapy.Abstract
Introduction: Lumbosacral pain is an important health problem that constitutes the second most frequent cause of medical care. It is due to osteodegenerative changes of the spine, among which are discs herniations. The highest prevalence is found in people between 30 and 50 years of age, more frequently in the male sex.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of transacral and paravertebral peridural ozone therapy in lumbar disc herniations.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study was performed in 55 patients with a diagnosis of degenerative lumbar disc herniation who attended the neurosurgery office and received treatment with paravertebral and transacro peridural ozone therapy over a period of one year. The behavior of pain before and after treatment was studied.
Results: More patients with multiple discs herniations were detected, especially the association of discopathies of the intervertebral spaces L4-L5 and L5-S1 and stenosis of the spinal canal. Treatment results according to the Macnab scale were good or sufficient in most cases. After the application of ozone therapy, the 94.5 % of the patients showed improvement in pain according to the Visual Analog Scale.
Conclusions: The treatment is useful in both single and multiple lumbar disc herniations, as well as in lumbar spinal canal stenosis; and the most effective and least innocuous way of use is the transacro caudal epidural.
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