Inhaled and intravenous anesthetics, their effect on the oxidative stress generated by the anesthetic-surgical act



oxidative stress, general anesthesia, reactive oxygen species, free radicals, perioperative period.


Introduction: Oxidative stress occurs when the production of reactive oxygen species exceeds cellular protection by antioxidants. This paper focuses on oxidative stress induced by general anesthesia, because it increases the rate of complications and delays in recovery.
Objective: To determine how the anesthetics used to induce and maintain general anesthesia affect the oxidative stress that is generated during the trans-operative period.
Development: It is based on a review of scientific articles on oxidative stress during the surgical anesthetic act. Intravenous anesthetics generally maintain oxidative stress markers at values close to normal, and act as modulators of surgical, oxidative stress and inflammation, blocking the mechanisms of production of reactive oxygen species. Inhaled anesthetics modify these biomarkers when surgical interventions exceed 2 hours. General anesthetics cause oxidative stress depends on the exposure time and duration of anesthesia, although it has been shown that intravenous anesthetics are protective, while volatile anesthetics trigger it, but only in major, prolonged surgeries.
Conclusion: The surgical anesthetic act is a complex process, in which numerous factors converge that can cause an increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species, generating a picture of oxidative stress that can affect the final result of the surgery, but if a strategy is devised that uses anesthetics with protective action against oxidative stress, better results can be obtained in the surgical process.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Martínez JK, Abreu Biroso GL, Vasallo Comendeiro V, Vizcaino Cesar M. Inhaled and intravenous anesthetics, their effect on the oxidative stress generated by the anesthetic-surgical act. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];52(2):e02302397. Available from:



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