Traditional and Complementary Medicine as a Complement to the Antimicrobial Therapy
alternative medicine, traditional, complementary therapeutic methods.Abstract
Introduction: For thousands of years, Traditional and Complementary Medicine has provided natural advantages in the treatment of infectious diseases. Due to drug resistance, public health faces a global crisis, marked by the need to develop new drugs and find therapeutic alternatives. A documentary review was carried out in biomedical databases using the Google academic information search engine, in Spanish and English, during the period from January to June 2023.Objective: To delve into the alternatives for using the modalities of natural and traditional medicine approved in Cuba, as an antimicrobial therapeutic option.
Development: Although there are multiple traditional therapies used globally, in Cuba phytotherapy, apitherapy, acupuncture and related techniques, ozone therapy, homeopathy, floral therapy, medical hydrology, traditional therapeutic exercises, heliothalassotherapy, naturopathic nutritional guidance and adyurvedic medicine are approved. All of them offer, to a greater or lesser extent, therapeutic possibilities as adjuvants to antimicrobial therapy.
Conclusions: The growing antimicrobial resistance and the social and economic consequences it causes connote the need to use therapeutic alternatives today for the treatment of infectious diseases. Traditional and Complementary Medicine constitutes a useful tool in this sense, since it offers a different approach to treatment these nosological entities.
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