Health intervention in older adults in a rural area



physical activity, elderly, old man, nutritional condition, health intervention.


Introduction: Aging is considered a physiological process in which a series of changes occur in the health of people over 60 years of age. It is necessary to implement actions aimed at preventing diseases and controlling existing ones.
Objective: To evaluate the results of an intervention to improve the state of health in older adults.
Methods: Applied research was carried out, descriptive and correlational design, which included a universe of 681 older adults residing in rural parishes of the Chimborazo province. The sample was made up of 243 elderly people. A health intervention was applied during a period of 6 months that included nutritional status, the practice of systematic physical activities and the level of knowledge about healthy habits and lifestyles as variables. The McNemar test was used to identify statistically significant changes in the practice of physical activities.
Results: Average age of 65.77 years, predominance of the female sex (63.79%) and with associated comorbidities (81.25%). During the pretest, there was a predominance of older adults who did not perform physical activities (73.66%), with nutritional alterations (39.92% overweight and 19.75% obese) and with a low level of knowledge about health care in the elderly (63.37%). During the posttest all the indicators improved.
Conclusions: Improvement of the nutritional status, the level of knowledge and the practice of physical exercises are achieved.


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How to Cite

Herrera Cisneros P, Castillo Ruiz LE, Abarca Carrasco RG, Heredia Aguirre SI. Health intervention in older adults in a rural area. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];52(3):e02302639. Available from:



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