Effectiveness of treatment with diet, physical exercises, metformin and garlic tincture in patients with morbid obesity
obesity, morbid, exercise therapy, metformin.Abstract
Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial, chronic disease, intimately associated with other conditions that present high morbimortality, such as type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemias, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. It is considered the most common chronic non-communicable disease. Optimal management requires combined treatment and the use of drugs. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with diet, physical exercise, metformin and garlic tincture in morbidly obese patients.Methods: A prospective longitudinal study of 45 morbidly obese patients attended at the Endocrinology and Nutrition Clinic of the Military Hospital "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" in 2022, who underwent a 4-month treatment. Demographic, clinical and biochemical variables were collected. A statistical process was applied, using mean and standard deviation, considering p< 0.05 as significant.
Results: Female sex predominated (95.6%) with a mean age of 54.4 ± 6.2 years. All anthropometric variables decreased at 4 months. Weight and body mass index were significant (p< 0.05). Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly (p< 0.05). Laboratory variables decreased significantly: glycemia, insulinemia, triglycerides, cholesterol and insulin resistance index. No subject abandoned the treatment. The treatment was effective in 97.8%.
Conclusions: Morbidly obese patients after treatment with lifestyle changes and metformin, during a period of 4 months improve clinical and biochemical parameters.
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