Evocation of Eusebio Hernández Pérez in the centenary of the University Reform
university reform, popular university, Eusebio Hernández.Abstract
In 2023, the first centenary of the University Reform and the creation of the José Martí Popular University are commemorated, both of them were transcendental events for higher education in Cuba directed by Julio Antonio Mella. Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez, a general of the Liberation Army, participated in those events in Cuban university history, which constitutes the reason for carrying out this work. The objective of this work is to evoke the participation of the renowned patriot in those events that transformed university education in the republican period of Cuba. His example is one link between the independence ideal of the patriots who participated in the 19th century wars against Spanish colonialism and that of the university students who faced imperialist domination in the republican period, like one expression of the revolutionary continuity of Cubans. Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez is a genuine model of the ethical and patriotic values necessary for educational work in the professional training of military doctors.Downloads
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