Optimization of a honey-based culture medium for Escherichia coli
honey, Apis mellifera, Escherichia coli, bees.Abstract
Introduction: Optimization of culture media in most cases has been done by empirical procedures. Factorial design and response surface methodology are used to make a medium more productive. Objectives: To optimize the productivity of a solid culture medium based on Apis mellifera honey for Escherichia coli.
Methods: Quantitative, in vitro and comparative approach, a preliminary phytochemical assay of honey was performed. A factorial design (22) was applied where the influence of incubation time and the amount of honey in culture media was evaluated. Forty agar base plates with honey were used, distributed in 4 groups (n = 10): group I (agar base with 10% honey and incubation for 12 hours), group II (agar base with 10% honey and incubation for 24 hours), group III (agar base with 20% honey and incubation for 12 hours) and group IV (agar base with 20% honey and incubation for 24 hours). The ecometric technique was used to determine productivity.
Results: In the phytochemical assay, carbohydrates, alkaloids, triterpenoids and cardiotonic glycosides were detected. The medium productivity of groups II and III was verified. The main and interaction effects were significant and the prediction index of the model was adequate.
Conclusions: The optimized solid culture medium based on 20% bee honey and incubation for 24 hours for Escherichia coli shows high productivity.
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