Sudden hearing loss



sensorineural hearing loss, steroids, audiometric tests


Sudden hearing loss was first described in 1860 by Bing, which he related to mumps. In 1944 De Kleyn made his contributions, as did McCabe in 1979, and many since then have tried to define and correctly manage this entity, but it was not until 1986 that Wilson described it as a sudden onset disorder where there is hearing loss, unilateral or bilateral sensorineural type greater than 30 dB that affects at least three consecutive audiometric frequencies and develops in a period less than or equal to 72 hours.


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6. Rozentul D, Alimen F, Jaimovich M. Seguimiento auditivo de pacientes con hipoacusia neurosensorial súbita en el Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, diagnosticados entre enero de 2013 y junio de 2015. Revista FASO 2016 [acceso: 12/09/2023];23(2): 48-52. Disponible en:

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8. Alfaro Juárez MPM, Ascencio Valdez MM. Millán Gamez YK. Guía de Práctica Clínica Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Hipoacusia Sensorineural Súbita Idiopática. México: Secretaría de Salud. IMSS. 2010 [acceso: 12/09/2023];1-41. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Alfonso Muñoz E, Torres Núñez MM. Sudden hearing loss. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2024 May 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];53(2):e024028654. Available from:



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