Definition, benefits and importance of autopsy



autopsy, cadaver, cause of death, death, pathologists.


A paper is presented on the fundamental aspects of the definition, benefits and importance of autopsy. The main persons responsible for the implementation of the steps to guarantee the maximum use of the autopsy and its benefits to the population are highlighted. The need to insist on the contributions that the autopsy offers to the health of the population, the advantages of its performance with the highest quality and to achieve its maximum use, is demonstrated, exposing its benefits and importance. The elements that favor the understanding and implementation of the autopsy are argued.


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How to Cite

Hurtado de Mendoza Amat JD, Montero González T, Capó de Paz V, López Marín L, González Fabián L. Definition, benefits and importance of autopsy. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 21 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];52(3):e02302965. Available from:



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