Experiences in performing autopsies on puerperal women who died from COVID-19
autopsy, COVID-19, inflammation, puerperal women, SARS-CoV-2.Abstract
Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 causes severe pneumonias. Pregnant women experience immunological and physiological changes, which may make them more susceptible to viral respiratory infections, including COVID-19.
Objective: To present the characteristics of a case series of maternal deaths confirmed with COVID-19.
Methods: A serial study of partial autopsies of postpartum women confirmed with SARS-CoV-2, reviewed by the special working group of pathological anatomy for COVID-19, in the year 2021, was carried out. The variables age, obstetric history and causes of death were analyzed at the Central Military Hospital "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto".
Results: In 2021, 425 pregnant women with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 were attended, 16 of them died (3.8%). All of them underwent cesarean section for maternal-fetal benefit and were admitted to the intensive care unit, with comorbidities among which obesity and diabetes were more frequent. The mean date of symptom onset was 5.18 days, all contact positive cases; in the causes of death systemic hypoxia affected one third of the deceased; permeability pulmonary edema was present in 100 % of the puerperal women and in all maternal deaths there was multiple organ damage.
Conclusions: Permeability pulmonary edema affects all cases, with important impact as a cause of death, as well as in the expression of hypoxia and systemic inflammatory response. COVID-19 is the basic cause of death in all cases.
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