Benefits of autopsy-related meetings



autopsy, death certificate, research, mortality, consensus development conferences as topic meetings, total quality management.


The autopsy is recognized as a medical procedure of great usefulness and social benefit. To achieve these benefits and the proven importance of the autopsy, it is essential not only to perform it, but also to guarantee the highest possible quality in its execution. This work is aimed at exposing the main aspects and importance of the academic, healthcare, investigative and administrative achievements related to the autopsy, through the system of meetings, which allow charting the path to achieving this objective. In the methodology established for performing autopsies, fundamental guidelines are established to achieve optimal quality in their usefulness. If the results are only archived, the proposed objective is not achieved: Maximum use of the autopsy. In Cuba, 4 types of meetings are held: The so-called "fresh pieces", the review of the death certificate, the clinical-pathological meetings and those of the committee for the evaluation of deceased or mortality. Carrying out autopsies with optimal quality facilitates important academic, healthcare, investigative and even administrative achievements, through the system of meetings that enrich, in medical institutions, the results in the quality of the assistance provided, the contributions to teaching. undergraduate and postgraduate, and strengthen lines of research in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality of the population.


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How to Cite

Hurtado de Mendoza Amat JD, Montero González T, Capó de Paz V, López Marín L, González Fabián L. Benefits of autopsy-related meetings. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];53(2):e024033630. Available from:



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