Cerebral cardioembolic disease from a primary tumor of the left heart chambers
mixoma, cardioembólico, embolismo, infarto cerebral.Abstract
Introduction: Of the primary cardiac tumors, 75% are benign and more than half correspond to myxomas. They can be asymptomatic or generate cardiac, systemic or embolic manifestations, the latter frequent.Objective: To remark the importance of considering the primary cardiac tumor as a cause of cerebral embolic disease.
Clinical case: 53-year-old man with dizziness, headache, general malaise, weakness, joint pain, palpitations, dyspnea and orthopnea. He suffered loss of consciousness and later loss of muscle strength in the left half of the body due to an embolic-type stroke. With the transthoracic echocardiogram, the diagnosis of a primary cardiac tumor was confirmed. After the operation, it was verified in pathological anatomy, that it was a myxoma.
Conclusions: Myxoma is a tumor that can produce cardioembolic phenomena and must be taken into account in patients like the one presented.
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