Surgical approach to a wide palatal torus



exostosis, osteotomy, palate, hard.


Introduction: Maxillary torus are rare, asymptomatic and slowly progressive benign bony exostoses. Their exaggerated growth could affect swallowing, phonetics and the making of removable prostheses.
Objective: To present the clinical case of the surgical approach of a wide palatal torus.
Clinical Case: A 40-year-old female patient came to the dentistry service to consult about the presence of an elevated area in the midline of the hard palate, with a firm consistency. On clinical evaluation she was asymptomatic. A cone beam computed tomography was requested and a diagnosis of palatal torus was made. A double Y-shaped incision was made and the torus was sectioned in 6 parts to later remove the fragments with a percussive chisel. It was sutured and a containment splint was placed to keep the flap fixed. The evolution of the case was favorable.
Conclusion: Palatal torus can disrupt some oral functions and their presence and size can be of concern to patients. A correct diagnosis and tomographic analysis can indicate to the clinician an adequate surgical approach when the case requires it.


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Author Biographies

Paul Martin Herrera Plasencia, Universidad César Vallejo

cirujano dentista

Oskar Eduardo Prada-Vidarte, Universidad César Vallejo

cirujano dentista, especialista cirugia oral

Judith Anthonella Campoverde Alberca, Universidad César Vallejo

Estudiante estomatología

Vanessa Maritza Teque Silupu, universidad César Vallejo

estudiantes de estomatología

Elizabet Del Pilar Zapata Aguirre, universidad César Vallejo

estudiante de estomatología

Bryan Alexis Cossio-Alva, universidad César Vallejo

cirujano dentista


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How to Cite

Herrera Plasencia PM, Prada-Vidarte OE, Campoverde Alberca JA, Teque Silupu VM, Zapata Aguirre EDP, Cossio-Alva BA. Surgical approach to a wide palatal torus. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];53(2):e024035788. Available from:



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