Clinical-epidemiological aspects of patients assisted with ocular burns by chemical agents



alkalies, burns, ocular conjunctiva, visual acuity.


Introduction: Eye burns are classified as a serious public health problem due to the lack of awareness about eye protection, morbidity and severity of the consequences that occur.
Objective: Characterize patients with ocular burns due to chemical agents according to clinical and epidemiological variables.
Method: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study in 439 patients with ocular burns due to chemical agents. The variables of age, sex, ocular pathological history, degree of the burn, chemical causative agent, visual acuity, and present signs and symptoms were measured. The mean, percentage and standard deviation were used as summary measures. In order to associate variables under study, the ji square statistician was used for a significance level of a= 0.05.
Results: 63.8% of the patients assisted were male. Alkaline substances affected the ocular surface of 332 people (75.6%). Eye pain (90%), decreased visual acuity (85%) and foreign body sensation (72%) were the main symptoms reported by affected patients. After examination of the ocular surface, the most relevant clinical findings were conjunctival hyperemia (92.3%) and epithelial defects (88.6%).
Conclusions: Eye burns from chemical agents are mostly caused by alkalis. They affect people of any age, with preference for the male sex, and they are accompanied by pain, decreased visual acuity, conjunctival hyperemia and epithelial defects.


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Author Biographies

Nelys Castro García, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Centro Oftalmológico Hospital Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

Médico Especialista de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral y Oftalmología

Mildred Karelia Arias Domínguez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Centro Oftalmológico Hospital Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

Médico Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grado en Oftalmología. Máster en Medios Diagnósticos. Profesora Asistente. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Facultad de Medicina 1. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

Oscar Rodríguez Reyes, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Facultad de Estomatología. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Máster en Atención de Urgencias Estomatológicas. Estomatólogo Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grado en Fisiología Normal y Patológica. Profesor Titular e Investigador Auxiliar. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Facultad de Estomatología. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Castro García N, Arias Domínguez MK, Rodríguez Reyes O. Clinical-epidemiological aspects of patients assisted with ocular burns by chemical agents. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];53(2):e024036099. Available from:



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