New Endoscopic Classification and Risk Factors Associated with Colon Diverticular Disease



diverticulitis, diverticular disease, videocolonoscopy.


Introduction: At present, new considerations have emerged concerning the risk factors related to the onset of diverticular disease of the colon, and the development of complications. An endoscopic classification that can predict degree of inflammation and prognosis has been described and validated.
Objective: Deepen knowledge related to diverticular disease of the colon.
Methods: Indexed scientific articles in Spanish and English, related to the topic: diverticular disease of the colon, published in the Pubmed, Scielo, Clinicalkey and Medline databases, were consulted, from 2014 to 2023.
The concept of diverticular disease of the colon has been modified, it is not limited to the existence of diverticula in the colon, but requires the presence of specific symptoms without any other demonstrable lesion. It can be classified as complicated and uncomplicated depending on whether or not there are macroscopic and radiological signs of inflammation. Risk factors are diverse and may be associated with complications. In pathophysiology, changes in the gut microbiota, enteric nervous system, and genetic factors are of greatest interest. By means of videocolonoscopy, it is possible to determine the degree of diverticular inflammation and the presence of complications by applying a score that allows prognosis to be established.
Conclusions: The relationship between risk factors and the development of complications in diverticular disease of the colon, as well as the endoscopic classification of the degree of diverticular inflammation and complications, will serve to improve the quality of life of patients by reducing the frequency of complications and deciding on better therapeutic strategies.


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Author Biographies

Misdrialis Martinez Romero, Hospital Militar Dr."Carlos J Finlay"

Especialista de II grado en Gastroenterología.Master en Urgencias Mèdicas.Profesor auxiliar.

Marlenys Pérez Bruzón, Hospital Militar

Dra. Ciencia, Profesor e investigador auxiliar

Especialista de II grado en Dermatología

Jefa de Servicio de dermatología

Tatiana Amable Díaz, Hospital Militar

Especialista de I grado en Gatroenterología

Master en CMA

Ignacio Morales Martínez, Hospital Oncológico Universitario "Celestino Hernández Robau"


Profesor e investigador auxiliar

Master en CMA


Yordanys Oliva Cosme, Hospital Militar

Especialista de I grado en MGI y Gastroenterología

Lilia Martínez Garrido, Hospital Militar

Especialista de I grado en Gastroenterología y MGI

Ernesto César González Delgado, Hospital Militar

Especialista de I grado en MGI y Gastroenterología


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How to Cite

Martinez Romero M, Pérez Bruzón M, Amable Díaz T, Morales Martínez I, Oliva Cosme Y, Martínez Garrido L, et al. New Endoscopic Classification and Risk Factors Associated with Colon Diverticular Disease. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2024 May 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];53(2):e024038398. Available from:



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