Excisional biopsy with mucogingival surgery technique
biopsy, dental esthetics, gingival recession, granuloma, plastic surgery.Abstract
Introduction: Pyogenic granuloma is a very frequent localized increase in volume in the marginal gingiva, the excision of which can generate wide defects that require reconstructive surgery, in order to achieve the aesthetics of the area.Objective: To present a patient who underwent escisional biopsy of a pyogenic granuloma with mucogingival surgery technique.
Case Report: 55-year-old female patient, with health history, and localized increase in volume in the marginal gingiva of tooth 22. Non painful lesion, firm, about 3 mm in diameter, sessile base, hypercolored, which appeared after a trauma with dental floss 6 weeks ago. Excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed, with mucogingival surgery technique, coronal displaced flap to preserve the aesthetics of the patient.
Conclusions: The excision of the oral pyogenic granuloma, for histopathological study can be combined with mucogingival surgery techniques, to achieve aesthetics, avoid recurrences and dispense with second surgeries.
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