Dispareunia and vaginism, sexual disorders due to pain
sexual pain disorders, dyspareunia, vaginismus, sexuality.Abstract
Introduction: Within sexual disorders due to pain, dyspareunia and vaginismus are studied. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V encompasses them under the category of pelvic pain and penetration disorder. In Cuba, there are not many theoretical references of these diseases.
Objective: Systematize and update the theoretical references related to dyspareunia and vaginismus, from a sexological approach
Methods: A review of the literature published on the subject, of the last ten years, in full text, in the SciELO databases and from the search with academic Google with the keywords: sexual disorders due to pain, dyspareunia and vaginismus.
Development: Dyspareunia and vaginismus have a multifactorial etiology and varying degrees of impairment of sexual enjoyment of couples. The essential aspects of both entities are presented, fundamentally the classification, etiology, clinical characterization, evaluation and treatment.
Conclusions: Dyspareunia and vaginismus are two conditions that affect full and satisfactory sex life and require specialized knowledge, guidance and treatment for the results to be satisfactory.
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