Cervicovaginal infections in vaginal exudates
sexually transmitted diseases, candidiasis, vulvovaginal, trichomonas infection, vaginosis, bacterial.Abstract
Introduction: The characteristics of cervicovaginal infections diagnosed by vaginal exudate are unknown, especially in middle-aged Cuban women. At other stages of the female life cycle, these studies have been done. Due to the importance of this information, to carry out health promotion actions, this research was carried out.
Objective: To determine the characteristics of the most frequent cervicovaginal infections diagnosed by vaginal exudate.
Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1118 women. Age (grouped into 20-44 years and 45 and over), the results of positive vaginal discharge, the perception of presence or not of vaginal discharge (asymptomatic) and the microorganisms identified in the discharge were collected.
Results: 49.9% of vaginal exudates were positive for bacterial vaginosis, Candidas albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis and imbalance in vaginal ecology. 45% of the patients had no vaginal discharge, that is, they were asymptomatic.
Conclusion: Cervicovaginal infections were characterized by being of high frequency, usually asymptomatic, with prevalence of bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis.
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