Factors associated to mortality of critical geriatrics patients admitted in intensive care
aged, health of the elderly, hospital mortality, critical care outcomes, prognosis.Abstract
Introduction: The determination of factors associated with the mortality of seriously ill geriatric patients, allows taking the measures that improve the prognosis.Objective: To determine the factors associated with the mortality of serious geriatric patients admitted to intensive care.
Method: An observational, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out in geriatric patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the Central Military Hospital "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto", from January to December 2014. The variables studied were: age, sex, mortality, prognostic indices (APACHE II and SOFA), diagnostic profile, therapeutic methods, mechanical ventilation time and causes of death. Statistical analysis was performed with the chi square test and a confidence level of 95%.
Results: 220 patients were studied, there was a predominance of the male sex (53.6%), age less than 80 years (79%), APACHE II index less than 20 points (70.4%), SOFA index less than or equal to 5 points, (67.7%) and clinical profile (66.8%). Mortality was 39.5% and was associated with age less than 80 years, female sex, APACHE II index and SOFA greater than 20 and 5 points, respectively, clinical profile and mechanical ventilation time greater than 7 days. The most frequent direct cause of death was septic shock and the basic cause, atherosclerotic disease.
Conclusions: Higher mortality associated with age, sex, APACHE II and SOFA indexes, diagnostic profile and mechanical ventilation time were evidenced.
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