Clinical prognostic factors determining the survival of patients with the Ebola virus



ebolavirus, hemorragic fever, ebola, lethality, disease.


Introduction: Ebola virus disease has a high lethality, which is why it is of great interest to carry out research that addresses clinical manifestations that could be prognostic factors for survival.
Objective: To evaluate prognostic factors of Ebola patients.
Methods: the universe was constituted by the totality (n = 350) of admitted patients. Summary measures were used for qualitative variables, point and interval estimates for quantitative variables, as well as Kaplan-Meier significance tests, Cox regression and Odds Ratio. We worked with a 95% level of reliability.
Results: The overall survival was 42.5%. The average survival, approximately 10 days (CI: 9-11 days). Patients who were admitted in serious condition (OR = 3.76), who had low back pain (OR = 2.24), who reported headache (OR = 2.22), who presented fever (OR = 2.16), who they suffered from abdominal pain (OR = 1.95) and who were found to have conjunctival injection (OR = 1.86), were more likely to die than those who entered without these symptoms and signs.
Conclusions: Survival was high, despite the complications presented. The symptoms and predictive signs of death in the patients were: the severity of the patient at admission, the presence of low back pain, headache, fever, abdominal pain and conjunctival injection.


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How to Cite

Miranda Gómez O, Castro Baras CM, Fleites Alonso YA, Díaz Gómez JE, Contreras Olive Y, Urgellés Carrera SA. Clinical prognostic factors determining the survival of patients with the Ebola virus. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];49(4):e0200615. Available from:



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