User satisfaction and quality of health service at the first level of care



quality of health care, total quality management, patient satisfaction, Health services, public health services


Introduction: The quality of health services is a fundamental element to improve the health status of the population; One of its main meters is the level of user satisfaction in relation to the service received.
Objective: Identify the level of user satisfaction in relation to the quality of the service received in the outpatient consultation area of ​​the Cebadas health center.
Methods: A descriptive and transversal design was carried out, with a non-experimental, descriptive and transversal design. Universe consisting of 219 patients treated in the outpatient service. The sample was made up of 141 patients. A survey was administered to each research subject to obtain information on the research variables: general characteristics of the patients, level of satisfaction and factors that affect the quality of the service. The student's t test was used to determine the significance of the results.
Results: Average age of 48.38 years, predominated users between 40-49 years (36.88%), female (64.54%) and with a medium level of satisfaction (46.80%). The main factors identified as deficient were the lack of medical appointments and for medical procedures (71.63%) and problems with clinical and non-clinical furniture (59.57%).
Conclusions: There are factors that influence the quality of health services; This situation has an impact on the level of user satisfaction, in which medium and low levels of satisfaction predominate.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Carolina Carvajal Granizo, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Médico Cirujano

Katherine Geovanna Guerrero Arrieta, Universidad Nacianal de Chimborazo

Docente Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo


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How to Cite

Carvajal Granizo VC, Guerrero Arrieta KG. User satisfaction and quality of health service at the first level of care. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 11];54(1):e025071545. Available from:



Clinical Practice Article