Factors associated of the domain Teaching and Research in faculties of medicine



basic research, universities, learning.


Introduction: Undergraduate research has become an integral part of medical education which has transformed health education, and has historically followed a static model with a hospital orientation.
Objective: To determine the factors associated to the domain teaching and research in the curricula of the faculties of human medicine of Peruvian universities.
Methods: Cross-sectional study where the curricula of the faculties of human medicine existing in Peru by the year 2022 were analyzed. Subjects that met the characteristics corresponding to the Teaching and Research domain were selected as established in the Technical Document of the Ministry of health. Likewise, variables such as the type of university, location, year of creation were evaluated; Variables related to research were also collected, such as SIR IBER 2022 ranking, number of general publications in Scopus, number of medical publications in Scopus, Scopus H index and number of researchers.
Results: Of 40 faculties of human medicine, the average number of Teaching and Research domain courses was 6,5. It was found that the type of university had a significant association with the frequency of courses corresponding to the Teaching and Research domain, with a mean number of courses in private universities higher than the mean reported in public universities (?= 7,5 vs. ?= 5,5; p= 0,023).
Conclusions: The factor associated to the Teaching and Research domain was the type of university, it was found an average of courses in private universities higher than that reported in public universities.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Yépez PJ, Valladares Garrido M, Inga-Berrospi F. Factors associated of the domain Teaching and Research in faculties of medicine. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];52(4):e02308614. Available from: https://revmedmilitar.sld.cu/index.php/mil/article/view/8614



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