Occupational health knowledge in lieutenants of the Peruvian army
military personnel, occupational risks, occupational medicine, occupational health, legislation, labor.Abstract
Introduction: Occupational health is a multidisciplinary activity that promotes and protects the health of workers. Knowledge of risk conditions prevents occupational accidents and diseases.Objective: To determine the level of occupational health knowledge in lieutenants of the Peruvian Army.
Methods: Observational and cross-sectional study. 86 lieutenants of a promotion of the Infantry School participated. The "Occupational Health Knowledge Questionnaire" was applied. Descriptive statistics were applied for the general characteristics and the Chi-square test for the association with knowledge.
Results: Mean age 28,4 years (SD = 1,26; Min. 26, Max. 32), 51,16 % presented a poor level of knowledge; workers who did not remember having received training in Occupational Health and who suffered a work accident, 80 % (p = 0,049) and 73,68 %
(p = 0,026) they had a bad level respectively. The question with the highest correct answers was about the annual occupational health examination with 75,58 %, and the one with the least knowledge about the complementary risk insurance coverage with 25,58 %.
Conclusions: The predominant level of knowledge about occupational health in lieutenants in the Peruvian army was poor, with higher percentages in those who did not remember training in occupational health and those who had an occupational accident.
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