Incidence of abdominal perimeter in endurance to intermittent efforts by physically active university students
exercise, physical fitness, sports medicine, public health.Abstract
Introduction: The abdominal perimeter and endurance to intermittent efforts reflected in VO2max are two major indicators; the first for cardiovascular risk and the second for maximum aerobic capacity. This study will make it possible to determine whether abdominal perimeter measurements are related to the subject's ability to respond to intermittent efforts.Objective: Determine the association between the abdominal perimeter and the endurance to intermittent efforts reflected in the VO2max.
Methods: The participants were 91 men and 22 female students of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of the University of Pamplona. For the assessment of intermittent endurance, the intermittent fitness test 30-15 (30-15 ITF) was used with which the VO2max was determined. The abdominal perimeter was taken taking into account the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation. The tabulation and analysis of data was carried out in the PSPP statistical package, applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test for men and Shapiro-Wilk for women, and, Spearman's correlational coefficient (p<0,05) (p-value of 0,05).
Results: A negative association was found between the variables abdominal girth and the indicator of endurance to intermittent efforts VO2max, in men (r = -0,17) and in women (r = 0,09), however, for both sexes, this relationship was not statistically significant (p<0,05).
Conclusion: The abdominal perimeter is not significantly related to resistance to intermittent efforts in physically active university students.
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