University Students' Perceptions of the Academic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic



COVID-19, distance education, pandemics, universities.


Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, higher education has faced the transition to distance learning, with important repercussions on academic performance as well as on other aspects of students' lives.
Objective: To provide validity to the ACAD-COVID-19 scale and to evaluate the perception of university students in Lima about the academic repercussions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study was of descriptive and cross-sectional design, during the year 2021. A sample of 608 students in their first academic year of different careers from 5 universities in Lima was obtained. The ACAD-COVID-19 scale of 8 items and Likert scale alternatives was applied. Descriptive and factorial analyses were performed using SPSS version 26.0.
Results: The instrument was found to be reliable. Three factors were determined, which can be associated with the academic, economic and fear of illness or death generated by the COVID-19. 61.3% of the students from Lima expressed indifference with respect to the perception of the academic impact generated by the coronavirus, with an overall average of 3.21 for the items. The highest mean was for question 5(3.47).
Conclusions: Validity was provided to the ACAD-COVID-19 scale with its application to the Lima university population in a quarantine period during 2021. Students, in general, expressed indifference in their perception of the academic impact generated by the coronavirus, although among the perceived repercussions, the fear of getting sick when returning to classes was predominant.


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How to Cite

Cangalaya-Sevillano LM, Postigo-Zumarán J, Arias-Chávez D, Berrios-Espezúa MG, Espinosa-Izquierdo J. University Students’ Perceptions of the Academic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];52(4):e023010709. Available from:



Research Article