Clinical and radiological characterization of COVID-19 positive patients



coronavirus, COVID-19, chest radiography, pneumonia.


Introduction: Since the emergence of the first cases of COVID-19 pandemic, a dizzying race has developed in creating a research space for the diagnosis, treatment and control of the disease.
Objective: To describe the clinical and radiological characteristics of patients with COVID-19.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out, in the period from March to October 2020, 404 patients of all ages, admitted, with confirmed diagnosis with real-time PCR, were studied. The variables used were: age, sex, symptoms and chest X-ray.
Results: 54.5% of the patients were female and 55,9 % of them were asymptomatic, 36,9 % were between 40 and 59 years old, in those under 20 years 64,9 % were not. They presented symptoms of the disease upon admission 53,5 % were asymptomatic, 76,6 % of the positive radiographs corresponded to the symptomatic ones, coughing was the most frequent symptom. The greatest positivity in the chest X-ray was found in patients older than 60 years, the most frequent pattern was the opacity in the peripheral distribution veil.
 Asymptomatic patients predominate, the positivity of radiographs is higher in the elderly.


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Author Biographies

Orlando Adolfo Lovelle Enriquez, Hospital Militar Manuel Fajardo Rivero

Departamento Imagenologia Hospital Militar Manuel Fajardo Rivero Villa Clara

Especialista de primer grado en MGI

Especialista de primer y segundo  grado en Imagenologia

Profesor Auxilir

Wilfredo de Jesús Machín Cabrera, Hospital Militar Manuel Fajardo Rivero

Departamento cardiologia Hospital Militar Manuel Fajardo Rivero Villa Clara Especialista de primer grado en MGI Especialista de primer y segundo  grado en Cardiologia Profesor Titular

Marlen Pérez Diaz, Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas

Departamento de Control Automático, Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Villa Clara, Santa Clara, Cuba


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How to Cite

Lovelle Enriquez OA, Machín Cabrera W de J, Pérez Diaz M, Rodríguez Allende M Ángel. Clinical and radiological characterization of COVID-19 positive patients. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];50(3):e02101381. Available from:



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