Oral squamous cell carcinoma and associated risk factors: A case-control study



mouth neoplasms, squamous cell carcinoma, risk factors, epidemiology.


Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma is the most frequent neoplasm of the head and neck. An adequate knowledge about its risk factors could reduce its morbidity and mortality.
: To identify the causal association between some risk factors and the apparition of the oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Methods: Observational, analytic and case-control study conducted with patients treated at Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Provincial General Hospital's maxillofacial surgery service between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2020. For the statistical analysis of the risk factors, the strength of the association with the Odds Ratio and its confidence intervals (95 % CI) was measured and later a multivariate analysis was performed.
Results: The sample was comprised of 87 patients (29 cases and 58 controls). The 68.96% of the cases (n=20) were male patients and their average age was 63.03 years. People with history of alcohol consumption showed a 16 times greater risk (OR=16.03). Poor oral hygiene (OR: 5.23; CI 95%: 1.18-23.29; p=0.030) and traumatic irritants (OR: 4.41; CI 95 %: 1.01-19.23; p=0.048) were risk factors too.
Conclusion: A strong association between the disease and the antecedent of alcohol consumption, the exposition to traumatic irritating and the poor oral hygiene was identified.


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How to Cite

Corrales-Reyes IE, Cruz-Sánchez V, Mejia CR. Oral squamous cell carcinoma and associated risk factors: A case-control study. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 29];50(3):e02101401. Available from: https://revmedmilitar.sld.cu/index.php/mil/article/view/1401



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