Autopsy and medical death certificates in deaths related to COVID-19



COVID-19, autopsy, medical death certificates, diagnostic discrepancies, causes of death, SARCAP.


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has been the largest in the current century and the reason for numerous scientific works. In Cuba, the Temporary Group of Pathological Anatomy has been established to study the autopsies of those who died from COVID-19 (more than 400). The medical death certificates, documents of inestimable value, in Cuba are repaired according to the results of the autopsies, to raise their quality.
Objectives: To evaluate the results of autopsies with COVID-19 diagnoses, compared to medical death certificates.
Methods: The diagnoses of causes of death of 65 autopsies of the year 2020 were evaluated with their medical death certificates. The diagnoses were processed in the Automated System for the Registration and Control of Pathology. Direct causes of death, basic causes of death, intermediate causes of death, and contributing causes of death were analyzed. The total agreement of both diagnoses was defined, partial agreement, diagnostic mismatch or discrepancy, and insufficient data.
Results: Diagnostic discrepancies of basic and direct cause of death are 46.2 % and 60.0 % of all cases and 19.4 % and 64.5 % when COVID-19 was basic cause of death. The high figures for diagnostic discrepancies correspond to those reported in previous studies, both in clinical diagnoses and in medical death certificates.
Conclusions: There are high numbers of diagnostic discrepancies compared with the results of autopsies with COVID-19 diagnoses, compared to medical death certificates.


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How to Cite

Hurtado de Mendoza Amat JD, Montero González T, Martínez Morales M Ángel, Borrajero Martínez I, Capó de Paz V, López Marín L, et al. Autopsy and medical death certificates in deaths related to COVID-19. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];50(4):e02101657. Available from:



Research Article