Family functioning, social skills and lifestyles in students during the COVID-19 pandemic
family functioning, healthy lifestyles, social skills, students, COVID-19.Abstract
Introduction: The school population has been affected due to the suspension of face-to-face classes during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.Objective: To determine the association between family functionality with social skills and lifestyles in secondary school students.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study conducted in 107 students. Sociodemographic data and data on family functionality, lifestyles and social skills were collected. A simple and multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate the association between family functionality with lifestyle, social skills and sociodemographic variables.
Results: The 91.7 % of students reported high family functionality, 94.8 % had a good lifestyle, and 81.3 % had a low level of social skills. In the multiple regression, those who came from urban environments had a lower prevalence of presenting low average social skills (PR: 0.87; CI 95 %: 0.76-0.97, p= 0.014). Women presented better levels of healthy lifestyles (PR: 0.96, CI 95 %: 0.92-0.99, p= 0.034). No association was found between family functionality and the level of social skills (PR: 1.17; CI 95 %: 0.56-2.46, p= 0.678) and with healthy lifestyles (PR: 1.07; CI 95 %: 0.87-1.31, p= 0.548).
Conclusions: There is no association between family functionality and social skills and lifestyles in students.
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