Variations of periodontal parameters in puerperal women with preterm and term delivery
periodontal diseases, puerperium, pregnancy complications, premature birth.Abstract
Introduction: The greatest hormonal changes in a woman's life occur during pregnancy and their effects on the periodontium last in the puerperium stage, so dental medical follow-up is of vital importance.
Objective: To identify the periodontal status and the variations of its parameters in puerperal women with preterm and term delivery.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in postpartum women hospitalized during 2019. Those with periodontal disease were selected for a population of 320 postpartum women with preterm and full-term deliveries. The variables studied were type of delivery, type and severity of periodontal disease, location, bleeding index, probing depth, clinical attachment loss and tooth mobility. The parametric t-student test was applied for independent samples and the chi square for possible associations with a significance level of p≤ 0.05.
Results: The predominating disease was gingivitis, and postpartum women with preterm deliveries represent 54% of the total affected, they suffer more from periodontitis, of localized extension and 14.1% present severe forms of the disease. There were significant differences in the means of the periodontal parameters in both gingivitis and periodontitis, between puerperal women with preterm and term delivery.
Conclusions: There is a high frequency of periodontal diseases in puerperal women and the severity of the periodontal parameters evaluated increases in those with preterm birth.
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