Correction of vaginal vault prolapse by abdominal colpopexy



vaginal vault prolapse, abdominal colpopexy.


Introduction: Pelvic floor dysfunctions are considered a health problem in the world, and constitute one of the most common indications for gynecological surgery. Among its variants is the prolapse of the vaginal vault.
Objectives: To evaluate the results of the correction of the vaginal vault prolapse by the colpopexy technique by means of fixation with aponeurotic strips to the anterior abdominal wall.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, retrospective study was carried out. The variables used were age, presence of comorbidities, the number of previous surgeries and the degree of subjective satisfaction of the patients after the procedure.]
Results: There was a predominance of advanced ages in the sample studied with 89.5% of patients older than 55 years. In most of the patients, one or more comorbidities were found that favored the presence of this condition. A total of 8 patients had undergone previous corrective surgery for the prolapse (30.7%). One month after surgery, 80.7% had a score of 1-3 on the evaluation, a value that increased and reached 96.1% at 3 months, and 100% at 6 months, and one year.
Conclusions: Vaginal vault prolapse correction by mean of abdominal way colpopexy is therapeutic alternative, mainly young, and those who want to preserve vaginal functionality, and active sexual life.


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How to Cite

Reyes Guerrero EJ, Urgellés Carreras SA, Rodríguez Iglesias G, González Marshall R, Ramos Zamora V, Gil Agramonte E. Correction of vaginal vault prolapse by abdominal colpopexy. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 29];52(1):e02302139. Available from:



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