Perianal reconstruction with V-Y flap due to Büschke-Löwenstein tumor



HIV infections, condyloma acuminata, reconstructive surgical procedures.


Introduction: The giant condyloma acuminata is a rare disease that manifests itself in 0.1% of people with an active sexual life, its treatment is variable, surgery being the most radical and definitive, although recurrence is not negligible. In case of large defects in the perianal region after resection, flap rotation is useful to cover the defect.
Objectives: To expose the reconstructive surgical treatment performed on a patient with perianal Büschke-Löwenstein tumor.
Clinical case: A 47-year-old African American male patient with a history of HIV infection diagnosed 8 months prior to the current consultation, in treatment with antiretrovirals. Who came to the clinic with an anal lesion in the shape of a cauliflower, which occupies a diameter of approximately 10 cm, a surgical procedure was performed as a definitive treatment through excision and anoplasty with a V-Y flap, and the vegetative lesion on the edge was excised, internal of the right gluteus whose area was part of the V-Y flap.
Conclusions: Reconstructive techniques in the perianal region must be individualized in each case, depending on the type of defect, its topography, and local conditions, and although there may be a preference for one over others, the scientific literature does not provide sufficient evidence in this regard. The reconstructive technique performed on the patient showed that even with high rates of recurrence and complications, it was effective for the patient despite having comorbidities that could influence a torpid evolution.


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Author Biographies

Martín Hernández Álvarez, Instituto Oncológico Regional del Cibao

Especialista en primer grado en Coloproctología

Hernán Oliu Lambert, Instituto Oncológico Regional del Cibao

Master en Oncología Torácica, Master en Bioética. Especialista en Cirugía General.

Natalia Altagracia de la Cruz de Oliu, Instituto Oncológico Regional del Cibao

Cirujano General. Master en Gerencia Hospitalaria. Master en Investigación Biomédica.

Juan Elias Cabrera Martínez, Hospital Jose María Cabral y Baez

Especialista en dermatología


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How to Cite

Hernández Álvarez M, Oliu Lambert H, de la Cruz de Oliu NA, Cabrera Martínez JE. Perianal reconstruction with V-Y flap due to Büschke-Löwenstein tumor. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];52(1):e02302218. Available from:



Case Presentation