Colonoscopy with the water immersion method in colorectal cancer screening



colonoscopy with the water method, adenomas, colorectal cancer.


Introduction: Colonoscopy is useful for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal diseases. It is used as a method of detecting malignant diseases. Most cases of colorectal cancer originate from an adenoma, a process known as the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Removal of advanced adenomas interrupts the potential pathway for colorectal cancer development. The water method of colonoscopy increases the detection rate of adenomas.
Objective: To update knowledge related to colonoscopy with the method of immersion in water.
Development: Water-assisted colonoscopy can be subdivided into water immersion, water exchange, or totally underwater. Both immersion and water exchange colonoscopy produce less pain for the patient and reduce the need for sedation medications, with a higher percentage of colonoscopies completed in awake patients. The use of water improves the detection of adenomas by facilitating greater cleaning of the intestine of residual feces, in addition to allowing inspection of the mucosa without completely distending the light as air does, increasing the detection performance of flat lesions.
Conclusions: The detection rate of adenomas with the water method, especially at the level of the right colon, is higher than with the air insufflation method.


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Author Biographies

Yunia Tusen Toledo, Centro de Investigaciones Clínicas

Jefa Departamento Gastroenterología Centro de Investigaciones Clínicas
Especialista 2do Grado Gastroenterología
Máster en Urgencias Médicas
Profesor asistente.
Investigador Agregado

Lissette Chao González, CIMEQ

Jefa del Departamento Gastroenterología CIMEQ
Profesor Titular
Investigador Titular
Máster en Urgencias Médicas
Secretaria Sociedad Cubana Gastroenterología

Lisset Barroso Márquez, CIMEQ

Especialista 2do Grado Gastroenterología
Profesor Auxiliar
Investigador Agregado

Ludmila Martínez Leyva, HMC Dr. Carlos J. Finlay

Dra. C.

Especialista de II grado en Gastroenterología

Máster en procederes diagnósticos en atención primaria de salud. Máster en Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso

Profesor Titular

Investigador Auxiliar

Jefe del Servicio de Gastroenterología del HMC Dr. Carlos J. Finlay

Teresita Pérez González, Hospital General Docente Iván Portuondo. Artemisa

Especialista 1er Grado MGI y Gastroenterología 

Harlim Rodríguez Rodríguez, Hospital General Docente Iván Portuondo. Artemisa

Especialista 1er Grado en MGI y Gastroenterología


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How to Cite

Tusen Toledo Y, Chao González L, Barroso Márquez L, Martínez Leyva L, Pérez González T, Rodríguez Rodríguez H. Colonoscopy with the water immersion method in colorectal cancer screening. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];52(2):e02302330. Available from:



Review Article