Validation of a didactic strategy for interdisciplinary relationships between Pharmacology and clinical stomatology subjects
validation, strategy, expert, pharmacology.Abstract
Introduction: The validation of didactic strategies to favor interdisciplinary relationships in the teaching-learning process is necessary for their subsequent application in pedagogical practice and possible generalization.
Objective: To validate a didactic strategy for interdisciplinary relationships in the teaching-learning process of clinical subjects, with Pharmacology in the Stomatology career.
Methods: Educational research was carried out, between January and June, 2022. Theoretical methods (analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and systematization), empirical (consultation to experts) and mathematical-statisticians (descriptive statistics). The experts were selected according to the level of competence. A questionnaire was developed and applied to assess 16 aspects of the strategy, in terms of: very suitable, quite suitable, suitable, not very suitable and not suitable. The evaluative criteria issued by the experts were processed using the Torgerson mathematical model and the level of consensus of the experts was determined by calculating the Kendall concordance coefficient.
Results: The average competence coefficient of the experts turned out to be high. Of the 16 aspects assessed, one was "fairly adequate" and the rest, "very adequate". Significant agreement was estimated between the experts consulted
Conclusions: The results of the expert consultation point to the recognition of the scientific, theoretical and practical value of the didactic strategy designed to favor interdisciplinary relationships in the teaching-learning process of clinical subjects with Pharmacology in the Stomatology career, and give validity to the same.
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