Acute edematous pancreatitis secondary to complicated leptospirosis
Weil's disease, leptospirosis, pancreatitis.Abstract
Introduction: Acute pancreatitis is defined as acute inflammation of the pancreas as a consequence of intrinsic enzymatic activity. Its presentation secondary to complicated leptospirosis is rare and poorly documented.Objective: To describe a case of acute pancreatitis due to complicated leptospirosis.
Case presentation: 54-year-old patient, white, male, agricultural worker. She presented a fever of 38 ⁰C (which subsided with antipyretics), arthralgia, myalgia, headache, low back pain, and abdominal pain in the epigastrium. Complicated leptospirosis was diagnosed. He manifested unfavorable clinical evolution with increased and variability of abdominal pain. An exploratory laparotomy was operated urgently, edematous acute pancreatitis was confirmed. He presented favorable clinical evolution.
Conclusions: Acute pancreatitis secondary to complicated leptospirosis is a rare and atypical form of presentation. The clinical picture can be confused by other diseases; hence the importance of timely use of the clinical method and prevent complications.
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