Effectiveness of a didactic strategy to promote interdisciplinary relationships between Pharmacology and clinical stomatology subjects
effectiveness, didactic, pharmacologyAbstract
Introduction: In educational research, the evaluation of the effectiveness of scientific results is necessary to demonstrate that in pedagogical practice the new proposal transforms the object of study.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a didactic strategy to promote interdisciplinary relationships between Pharmacology and clinical subjects in the Stomatology career.
Methods: A pedagogical pre-experiment was carried out that went through 4 moments (pre-test, application of the didactic strategy, post-test, and comparative analysis between the pre-test and post-test). Three population groups were considered (teaching activities, professors and students). The variables were measured: interdisciplinary relations with Pharmacology (observed, little observed, not observed), degree reached in interdisciplinary relations with Pharmacology (high, medium, low) and effectiveness of the didactic strategy (very effective, moderately effective and ineffective). The percentage was used as a summary measure and the chi-square of independence for hypothesis corroboration.
Results: In the pretest, the interdisciplinary relationships with Pharmacology are observed in less than 50% of the teaching activities. On the other hand, in the post-test it is observed in more than 70% of the teaching activities. The degree reached in interdisciplinary relations with Pharmacology was high in 88.8% (16) of the teaching activities observed. The didactic strategy was considered very effective.
Conclusions: The designed didactic strategy is effective in promoting interdisciplinary relationships between Pharmacology and clinical subjects in the Stomatology career.
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