Oral health related quality of life in schoolchildren



quality of life, oral health, child, dental care.


Introduction: The presence of certain socioeconomic factors, educational level and access to health care can condition the levels of oral health-related Quality of Life, especially in life stages such as childhood.
Objective: To determine the association of oral conditions on oral health-related quality of life in students.
Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study from a database of 144 schoolchildren (11-12 years old). The dependent variable was Quality of Life related to oral health, measured with the Child Oral Impacts on Daily Performances index. A descriptive analysis and Mann Whitney U and Chi-square tests were performed, and a linear logistic regression was applied, with a confidence level of 95% and p< 0,05.
Results: The 69.44% (n= 100) presented very low impact intensity. The provenance presented significant differences with cleaning the mouth and total impact (p< 0.05), and sex with talking and studying (p< 0.05). From the linear regression, provenance was associated with severity of cleaning mouth performance (R2 %= 0.039, a= 0.527, b= 0.347, p= 0.017) and total impact (R%= 0.036, a= 4.831, b= 4.824, p= 0.023), sex was associated with talking (R2%= 0.034, a= 0.498, b= -0.137, p= 0.026).
Conclusion: The intensity of the impact was very little in the quality of life related to oral health; in addition, the origin was associated with cleaning the mouth and total impact, while gender was associated with speaking; all this in schoolchildren aged 11 and 12.


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How to Cite

Espinosa-Patrón CE, Encarnación-Contreras WB, Araya-Vallespir C, Garcés-Elías MC, León-Manco RA, Del Castillo-López CE. Oral health related quality of life in schoolchildren. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];52(1):02302404. Available from: https://revmedmilitar.sld.cu/index.php/mil/article/view/2404



Research Article