Changes in anthropometric and bioimpedance parameters in obese patients treated with magnetic field and Kotz current



body mass index, body water, electric impedance, magnetic field therapy, obesity.


Introduction: Possible changes in anthropometry and bioimpedance in obese patients treated with magnetic field and Kotz currents are estimated.
Objective: To determine changes in anthropometric and bioimpedance parameters with magnetotherapy and Kotz current in obese patients.
Methods: Quasi-experiment in 30 obese patients. Intervention: magnetic bed and Kotz current, 30 sessions. Evaluation: initial and final. Main variables: triglycerides, cholesterol, glycemia, uric acid, abdominal circumference (AC), body mass index (BMI), fat mass index, lean mass index, skeletal muscle mass, fat mass, lean mass, visceral fat, total body water, extracellular water, phase angle, total energy consumption, resting energy consumption and energy consumption for physical activity. Student's t-test was performed to the means of the variables.
Results: Weight, BMI, AC, fat mass, fat mass index, fat mass, lean mass, lean mass index, skeletal muscle mass, abdominal muscle mass and visceral fat had significant differences (p= 0.000); also, total body water and extracellular water (p= 0.000); phase angle (p= 0.043), resting energy intake (p= 0.003) and energy intake for physical activity (p= 0.001); total energy intake had no significant differences (p= 0.061).
Conclusions: Anthropometric variables, fat mass, fat mass index, visceral fat and resting energy intake decreased; lean mass, lean mass index, skeletal muscle mass, abdominal muscle mass, total body water, extracellular water, phase angle and energy intake for physical activity increased.


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How to Cite

Pérez Rodríguez ZM, Rodríguez Hernández EI, Carrete Miranda D. Changes in anthropometric and bioimpedance parameters in obese patients treated with magnetic field and Kotz current. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];52(2):e02302462. Available from:



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