Factors associated with the non-use of barrier contraceptive methods in the LGBTI population



contraceptives, gender identity, sexual and gender minorities.


Introduction: The non-use of barrier contraceptive methods in the lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual and intersex community (LGBTI), can favor the appearance of sexually transmitted infections, however, what characteristics can predispose to avoid using them has not been evaluated.
Objective: To identify the proportion and factors associated with the non-use of barrier contraceptive methods in the Peruvian LGBTI population.
Methods: Cross-sectional analytical design study with 11,987 participants, identified as part of the Peruvian LGBTI, who completed a virtual population survey. Bivariate analysis was performed using Pearson's Chi-square and Student's T tests, while multivariate analysis was performed using Poisson Regression.
Results: 36.15% do not use barrier contraception. The protective factors are: having a secondary education level (p= 0.042) and higher (p= 0.013), family ignorance of being a LGBTI person (p< 0.001; RPa= 0.78) and not presenting a sentimental partner (p< 0.001), while the following are risk factors: older age (p= 0.001), not having received information on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections or human immunodeficiency virus (p< 0.001) and being female (p< 0.001).
Conclusions: Being older, not having received information on sexually transmitted infections or human immunodeficiency virus prevention, and having the biological sex of a woman were identified as risk factors, while having a secondary or higher level of education, that his family does not know that he is part of it, were protective factors from the LGBTI community and not presenting a stable partner.


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How to Cite

Guillén-Contreras MC, Santos-Rosales Y, Moquillaza-Alcantara VH. Factors associated with the non-use of barrier contraceptive methods in the LGBTI population. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 11];52(3):e02302665. Available from: https://revmedmilitar.sld.cu/index.php/mil/article/view/2665



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